Welcome to Jotted!

Jotted makes life easy for school social workers and other education professionals — Effortlessly manage your student interactions!

Focus more on your students
and less on the paperwork!

Jotted helps organize the interactions between educational workers and students.

We make it easy!

Want a sneak peak? Take a look!

A Helpful Dashboard

The dashboard is elegantly designed to give you an overview of essential information. View your Students, Team Members, Notes, upcoming To-Do’s, and quickly navigate between tabs. The Jotted workflow helps you create and maintain efficiency.

Manage Your Caseload

Tired of managing your caseload documents across multiple platforms? Jotted is the perfect solution to keeping things organized! Track all of your student interactions in one place. Our note taking and documentation features enable you to consolidate your student engagement under one roof.

Collaborate With Your Team

Whether you work for a single school, or your caseload spans between multiple students and school systems, our Team plan empowers you to collaborate with your colleagues. Just enter your teammate’s information, set their permissions, send out the invite, and off you go! Once accepted, you’ll be able to easily share accessible information with one another.

Keep Your Notes Organized

Wave goodbye to loose notes cluttering up your desk, and online documents lost in cyberspace! With Jotted, you can effortlessly jot down meeting summaries, interactions, and every detail with ease. Quickly access, view, or edit your notes anytime. Just imagine the joy of having everything you need right at your fingertips. Could it get any better?

Create To Do’s

Forget sticky note residue, and wave goodbye to scattered to-do lists… Never again! With Jotted, you can seamlessly create and manage your To-Do’s. Swiftly add, access, and update your tasks. Also attach and assign them to your students and team. It’s so good we must be dreaming!

Created by a regular school social worker, and mom of five…

Meet Dani

As a school social worker, she’s no stranger to the chaotic world of student interactions. Recognizing the need to simplify and manage her caseload, Dani came up with an idea—Jotted, a way to manage interactions and caseloads with ease. Finally, an alternative to scattered documents and spreadsheets!

How does Jotted handle security?

There’s nothing more important than protecting students’ personal information. For this reason Jotted holds to FERPA compliance standards according to the U.S. Department of Education.

Read more about FERPA compliance HERE.

Learn about PTAC training for your school or organization HERE.

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